Deliver flexible online experiences your students demand.
+ Complete degree programs (GE, AA, BBA, MAOL)
+ Plug our courses directly into your LMS & teach
+ Accredited, customizable, quality courseware
Get easy to manage and engaging online courses to market faster.
Become a disruptor with Strut's turnkey degree programs.
Faculty & Students demand a highly personalized experience that accelerates learning.
Individualized Learning in demand by tech-savvy students and employers and already in use at major universities.
Success & Retention require real-time insights that empower faculty to diagnose and engage.
Technology increases student engagement and reduces faculty workload 80%.
Leverage Strut's extensive online courseware catalog to rapidly move courses and programs online. Keep your LMS, plug directly into our integrated project and objective-based assessment engines, personalized learning, early alert, deep-data, and analytics maximize instructor focus on teaching.
Rapidly transition traditional on-ground courses into an online format. Wizards templates, and guides power the transformation process.
Engagement requires integrated analytics... with the power to efficiently diagnose student performance. The future of education requires unparalleled, real-time, data-driven insights into learning that enable students reach incremental goals faster.
Innovation requires a new approach... In a matter of minutes and without a single line of code, integrate Strut's Learning Cloud™ with your Student Information System (SIS). We completely reimagined integration and automation to empower educators to bridge technical barriers.
We believe educators are innovators at heart and Strut Learning's passion is to enable them to advance the art of online learning.