Strut's Power of One

Legacy systems don't provide all core learning functionalities within a single platform and thus force clients to loosely integrate external SaaS services. The legacy result is data fragmentation that drives up costs and student dissatisfaction. A new approach was severely overdue.

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Strut Learning's Power of One

Not just a Learning Management System, but a complete Learning Management Ecosystem.

Functional Clients Need Actionable Analytics to Drive Student Student Success and Positive Outcomes.

There's an important concept here at Strut that impacts our entire community called the Power of One. If you've spent time with Strut or attended our Flexible Learner Action Committee (FLAC) community, you know this is a concept we speak of often. We are passionate about the Power of One because it elevates the learning ecosystem to ensure faculty, students, and administrators can deliver and consume exceptional student services that drive amazing learning outcomes?  The Power of One is at the heart of everything Strut does to deliver a revolutionary learning ecosystem out of the box.

A coherent learning ecosystem with turnkey DEEP-DATA, FLEXIBLE, SELF-PACED, PERSONALIZED LEARNING PATHWAYS and PROGRAMS in DEMAND by EMPLOYERS, ANALYTICS, INTEROPERABILITY that drives an environment that enables student success with evidence employers demand that opens the door to a new era. Legacy learning Management System (LMS) platforms stop-short. Because they don't deliver core learning functions such as PERSONALIZED LEARNING, FLEXIBLE and AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENTS, etc., instead, legacy systems don't provide all core learning functionalities within a single platform and thus force clients to loosely integrate external SaaS services. The legacy result is data fragmentation that drives up costs and student dissatisfaction. A new approach was severely overdue.

Legacy LMS platforms force clients to connect to dozens of off-platform educational resources and services. The result is numerous data silos and a "Humpty Dumpty" data fragmentation model that slows Automation, Collaboration, and ultimately, Innovation.

One Database = A Coherent Learning, Administrative, and Teaching Experience

Strut's Founders recognized fragmentation added a barrier and created major issues for LEAN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) resources. Legacy enterprise applications expect the client IT personnel to create and maintain dozens of complex integrations. This model isn't sustainable and it is less so today.  Investing IT resources to recreate "Humpty Dumpty" is flawed when student expectations are real-time coherent experiences that drive them forward to meet their goals. Legacy LMS Software as a Service fragmentation results in confusion and disappointment.  

Strut CONNECT Enables Deep-Data, Powerful Analytics, and Automations

This approach prevents the creation of a community and drains resources away from teaching, learning, and outcomes. It defines the challenge faculty, and educational leaders face today. Legacy  LMS vendors are not in sync with the challenges faced by institutions of higher education. It's easy to detect this because when customers raise these points, they are brushed aside in favor of smoke and mirrors - along with promises these are on the horizon. That horizon is likely not in alignment with the clients' immediate need to compete for students and employers with HIGHER EXPECTATIONS.

This point is so important it warrants repeating. At Strut, all customers manage all CORE LEARNING functions within a single database. That enables real-time DEEP-DATA, FLEXIBLE, SELF-PACED, PERSONALIZED LEARNING PATHWAYS and PROGRAMS in DEMAND by EMPLOYERS, ANALYTICS, INTEROPERABILITY that drives an environment that facilitates student success with evidence employers demand, and opens the door to a new era.

One Strut one community, one database, one ecosystem enables customers to share ideas, collaborate, and empower each other in ways that aren't possible in the fractured legacy LMS world.  Strut values a democratic community where faculty, students, and administrators collaborate to shape the design of new features. This opens the door to incredibly innovative designs that solve problems in ways that stakeholders (our clients) universally think was designed by them for them.

The convergence of the Power of One manifests itself in Strut's highly valued community. Empowered to shape the future of higher education and learning software, our clients understand the Power of One and its ability to transform their faculty and student expectations.

Another significant difference that Strut delivers is continuous development. This enables us to deliver transformational innovations faster, and help clients leap-ahead of the competition. In a world of constant change and disruption, continuous development is key to meeting stakeholder expectations and actionable analytics that power enrollment growth.

Strut has created the most empowered community in higher education. This is the foundation of a thriving customer base. Strut customers, "not only provide great product development support but for the common good constantly move us to innovate in ways legacy LMS can't even conceive."

The Power of One - enables our clients to deliver best in class student support and success that drives critical retention, referrals and learning outcomes that attract major employers such as Walmart, Discover Financial Services, and the Walt Disney Company to name a few.

See how Strut's course solution can help you.
See how Strut's course solution can help you.

Leverage our complete white label degree program and course catalog to get online fast.Strut’s customizable course catalog provides a rapid (30 days) pathway to online courses with zero capital expenditures.Schedule a call now.

Leverage our complete white label degree program and course catalog to get online fast.Strut’s customizable course catalog provides a rapid (30 days) pathway to online courses with zero capital expenditures.Schedule a call now.

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See how Strut's course solution can help you.

Leverage our complete white label degree program and course catalog to get online fast.Strut’s customizable course catalog provides a rapid (30 days) pathway to online courses with zero capital expenditures.Schedule a call now.

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